Friends of Holy Trinity Meldreth - Membership Form

Subscriptions are left to your discretion but there are minimum levels per annum:
  £5.00 for an individual        £10.00 for a family  
If you pay income tax 'The Friends' are able to claim back the basic level of tax on your donations; see the 'Gift Aid' box below.
  Please tick:
Individual membership
Family membership
Gift Aid declaration: I am a taxpayer and wish 'The Friends' to treat my payments as Gift Aid donations
  Method of Payment (please tick one box):
Standing Order: please complete the form below
Cheque payable to The Friends of Holy Trinity Church
  Signature                                                   Date  
Please return this part of the form to the Membership Secretary:
Mary Gregory, 20 Flambards Close, Meldreth, Royston, Herts SG8 6JX
Cut Here
The Manager, Standing Order Form


Dear Sir
Re: Account Number ..............................
Please pay to the debit of *my/our above account the sum of £ ....... (Pounds ............ only) on the 1st day of .................. 2.... and thereafter annually until further notice to The Friends of Holy Trinity Church Meldreth, account 70392731 at Barclays Bank plc, Royston Branch (Sort Code 20-73-26).

Thank you

Yours faithfully


*Please delete as necessary

Please send your completed Standing Order form to your Bank or to the Treasurer, Robert Long, 85 North End, Meldreth, Royston, Herts SG8 6NU or to the Membership Secretary (above)