Subscriptions are left to your discretion but there are minimum levels per annum: | ||
£5.00 for an individual £10.00 for a family | ||
If you pay income tax 'The Friends' are able to claim back the basic level of tax on your donations; see the 'Gift Aid' box below. | ||
Please tick: Individual membership Family membership Gift Aid declaration: I am a taxpayer and wish 'The Friends' to treat my payments as Gift Aid donations |
Name: | ||
Address: | ||
Phone: | ||
E-mail: | ||
Method of Payment (please tick one box): Standing Order: please complete the form below Cash Cheque payable to The Friends of Holy Trinity Church |
Signature Date | ||
Please return this part of the form to the Membership Secretary: Mary Gregory, 20 Flambards Close, Meldreth, Royston, Herts SG8 6JX |
Cut Here |
The Manager, | Standing Order Form |
Bank |
Date...................... |
Dear Sir |
Thank you Yours faithfully |
Address: |
Signed: |
*Please delete as necessary |
Please send your completed Standing Order form to your Bank or to the Treasurer, Robert Long, 85 North End, Meldreth, Royston, Herts SG8 6NU or to the Membership Secretary (above)