Meldreth Church Friends Of Holy Trinity Church, Meldreth
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Visit to RHS Wisley

And Guided Tour

Saturday 15th May 2004

The Friends of Holy Trinity are running a trip to The Royal Horticultural Society gardens at Wisley, Surrey, on Saturday 15th May, leaving Meldreth/Melbourn at 9 am and returning at teatime. It is especially appropriate that we are visiting this year as the RHS is celebrating 200 years of great gardening during 2004.

A good day was had by all on the coach outing to Wisley Gardens in fabulous weather. A group tour was provided at £1.00 per person which for a tour from a knowledgeable guide for over two hours was incredible value for money.

Extending to over 240 acres, Wisley is the flagship garden of the Royal Horticultural Society, including the magnificent rock garden, rock pools, alpine house, the glories of the mixed borders, the country garden, the rose garden and the fruit gardens, as well as show design gardens. It is especially appropriate that we visited this year as the RHS is celebrating 200 years of great gardening during 2004.