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A talk by Hallam Kindersley

Saturday 19th March 2016

A good audience came along on Saturday 19th March to hear Hallam Kindersley talk about calligraphy. He explained, and illustrated with slides, how letters can be formed in different ways, but even when following a pre-designed alphabet the carver will need to ensure that the letters "look right" when laid out in a particular phrase and create exactly the best visual shadow effect.

Hallam was passionate about the art which his late father, David, worked at all his adult life and his mother still heads the studio workshop in Cambridge which is nationally and internationally famous. He showed a carving made for Margaret Thatcher's headstone and he was accompanied to the talk by a gentleman from Boston, USA, who is currently commissioning a memorial piece to be placed in Scotland.

A subject which few of us knew much about turned out to offer a fascinating evening.